Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hairy Art

I don't usually go for the cartoon character type drawings as being considered more than simply cute crafts but there is something to be said about how Sam Wedelich takes each drawing as an opportunity to develop a new character. Scrolling thru her drawing is like taking a walk in a different world for a day and reminds me of some Saturday morning cartoon that I wish was still on b/c every character felt like my bestie. Of course, a couple of my favorites are the characters sporting the ever so fashionable stache. Take a look at her complete etsy store here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Good Old War

Good Old War is this great band that I re-discovered recently but didn't put it together that my friend Abbie had taken me to their show back in the fall (sometimes I'm a little spacey). Anywho, do check out their music and then take a look at this hilarious commercial they did for Trojan where they actually will themselves to grow beards - if only!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Couple of Chocolatiers

I love these photos of the process from bean to rich chocolate. Oh yea and there is the fact that you can't miss the shop owners being two men with wonderfuly long beards that just happen to match the same color palette of the cocoa beans they work with.
For more of these lovely pics visit this.